Fitness, Gym, University, Women's Health

Sunday Funday exercise quickie routine

Image result for too busy to exercise

Its Sunday Afternoon, you might be finishing off an assignment that’s due in a few days. or catching up on repeats of your favourite TV show…

You probably don’t feel like doing a full on workout session right now because this is supposed to be your Sunday Funday chill day…but if you’re feeling a bit active and want to get a little strength hit to finish off the week then you can do this little routine!

This will take 15 minutes and is a great way to break up your study session. You can do this in front of the TV or whilst watching your online lecture (multi-tasking is a great way to find the time to exercise)…

There are 3 exercises, each lasting a duration of 5 minutes…

  1. Jump Squat

Image result for jump squat

Get your heart rate up and work your butt with this great little exercise. Work for 30 seconds, and then rest for 30 seconds until 5 minutes is up (you will do 5 x 30 seconds of jump squatting with 5 rest periods).


2. Mountain climber

Image result for burpee

This exercise is great for strengthening your core. Hold a plank position and then rapidly ‘pump’ your knees so they almost touch your elbows (kind of like you are running against the ground). Again, work for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds for a total of 5 minutes.


3. Burpee

Image result for burpee

Burpees are the favourite exercise of many Personal Trainers as they work just about every major muscle in your body. The above diagram depicts how to do a burpee. Again work for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds for a total of 5 minutes.


So there you go…this is a good little work out for your Sunday afternoon.



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